Sunday, April 25, 2010

The Zoo!!

Mom and Dad took me to the park and the Nashville Zoo this morning. Kinda random for 9:00 on a Sunday morning, but it was awesome. I loved the fish and the elephants.

This tiger was so far away, I could hardly see him, but I'm pretty sure he saw me. I think he wanted to eat me. I bet I taste like applesauce.

This is my favorite elephant. He splashed around in a big mud puddle and sprayed mud all over himself. When he was done, he looked like me after spaghetti.

Zebras: Kinda lame. Only slightly more interesting than donkeys.
One of the many foreign things on Nolensville Road.

"What?! No, I'm at the zoo. You'll have to speak up. The monkeys are very loud right here. Wait, let me turn my bluetooth up."

Me and this fish got into a staring contest, but I quit when I figured out he doesn't have eyelids and can't blink. No fair.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Dancing Machine

I'd say something funny here, but I think I'll let my dancing do all the talking.

Monday, March 29, 2010

BB's Day

Last week we celebrated BB's Day. It's her special day because it has been 1 year since she went to Heaven. We all went out to the cemetary to tell her how much we love her. I rearranged her flowers a little, but I don't think she'll mind.
Beforehand we ate at the Loveless Cafe with Uncle Cole, Uncle Dan, Dan & Camille, GrandMamo, GrandGran, and Daddy Til. That is my kind of place. I ate everything.
BB's Day is my new favorite day. I hope we do this every year. I wish Grace were here though. Then we could say together, "We love you, BB!"

Baby Steps

Hey everybody! A lot has happened since I last posted. I'm basically walking now! Check it out. (Sorry about the commercials here, but I gotta get paid!)

Drunk Faceplant - Watch more Funny Videos

Just kidding. That looks like Dad after a night downtown with Mom. Here I am:

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Monday, February 8, 2010

Catching Up

I've been getting some criticism for not posting enough lately, so I thought I'd show you what's been going on.

I've got my first tooth coming in! It doesn't hurt a bit, but Dad won't let me chew his nose anymore.

Snowball Fight!!!!

I love reading books with Mom & Dad

And, I'm working on standing on my own. See for yourself. I hope to be walking soon. I haven't even started crawling yet. Just don't want to. I'm out to debunk that Gotta-Crawl-Before-You-Walk myth.

The Birth of a Couch Potato

Hey Ma! Get me a soda!

Ich Liebe Meine Erbse!

Translation: "I love my peas!"

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Wednesday, January 20, 2010


I got an F on my daycare report card today. Mom & Dad are going to be so mad at me! Up until now, I've gotten all A's and B's. I pitched a fit when Miss Nancy left our class to go to a meeting. Dad says I'll never get into a good preschool if I get bad grades. They said I'm grounded indefinitely.

Tuesday, December 29, 2009


I've been hamming it up a bunch for the camera lately. I'm trying out a series of smiles. See which one you like the best.

Monday, December 21, 2009

Merry Christmas, Everyone!

I'm having a blast with my first Christmas. Last night, Mom and Dad read me a story about Santa Claus, and I loved it so much I could hardly contain myself. See for yourself. . .

Best Book Ever.

Saturday, December 19, 2009


Yep, here's me and ole Kris Kringle himself yesterday. I sure am glad Santa likes hanging out at dad's office because I don't do the mall at Christmas time. It's for suckers. There are a bunch of pictures but only these few that don't include office equipment in the background. I'm proud to say there were no "Scared of Santa" nominees, although a case could be made for these first two.

Monday, December 14, 2009

November's Greatest Hits

It's been a while since I last posted, so here are some of my favorite pics from the last month or so to catch you up on my life. A lot has gone on. I've made some friends (see Cousin Margo and Betsy Ankar below), learned how to do laundry (I hate it.), had my first Thanksgiving, and discovered the joys of semi-nudity. I also got baptized, but I'll save that for another post. Enjoy.

Me and Margo. Her dad says she "sees dead people" . . . like I'm supposed to get the joke. She seems cool to me.

Me and Betsy, caught red-handed.

I see what they're doing. It won't work. I'll never do their laundry.

It's my first Thanksgiving, and I already know the routine just like Dad showed me. . .

1) Eat

2.) Partially undress

3.) Pass out
(Here's a classic example of someone not following this order and trying to do all three at once.)

Dad, get me outta here. There's tons of UT stuff here, oh, and this dead polar bear.

Sorry, I cracked myself up on that last one.

"He must work out."

I Been Baptized!!

I got baptized yesterday. It was awesome, even the dress. The water was really cold, but I didn't cry. Check out these pictures.

Awww, there are too many pictures. Here's a slideshow.